A Very Wobbly 3k – 25 minutes
Posted on Mar 20, 2012 under 3k, Jogs | No CommentBeen feeling pretty tired for a couple of days, thought a run would blow the cobwebs away, realised it was getting late in the day but thought a very gentle jog wouldn’t be too hard on me, especially as I want to be very careful with the calf for a while yet.
Set off and seemed to take ages to get a signal on the Garmin, there were some youths around generally being a bit annoying so headed in a different direction, went very slowly and managed to run the first km all run in about 7 mins 30 – very slow! Did some walking and stretching of the calf to check it was ok, then set off again, and did another very slow km. At this point was starting to feel a bit lousy and felt I’d probably not eaten enough earlier in the day, though I had weetabix a couple of hours before the run. Took some walk breaks and just wanted to get up to 3k, but it was a struggle in the end, the time between 2.95k and 3k seemed to be an eternity and my body was screaming out for sugar or fuel of some kind.
Got in and gorged myself on breakfast biscuit things and then biscuits and then golden syrup on bread and finally started to feel back to normal. Probably not the best post run snacks but I was feeling really dizzy and needed quick sugar!
The good news is, there was no pain in the calf, and managed 3k mostly run, so that’s a good sign!