About Road Runner Rob – That’s Me!
Welcome to my running blog. This blog will contain my training logs and other information about running.
I started running in September 2007. The previous month my Dad had died suddenly, and a few weeks later my Mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and then was then made to suffer more by contracting Clostridium Difficile in hospital. I took up running as a way of dealing with the stress and grief of the situation, at first a few light jogs around the streets, and although it was painful (I smoked from the age of 16 and finally gave up at 35 – and also drank a lot until 35 as well!) I started to enjoy it, and decided I wanted to enter a race, as I had seen so many on TV running and raising money for charity.
So I entered the BUPA Great Manchester Run in May 2008, and raised over £500 for Marie Curie Cancer Care, as their nurses have been a great help in the situation (I run my own business, which has suffered due to the care I have had to give Mum in these troubled times). Don’t know what I would have done without them!
Mum died on April 6th 2009. After being quite well in herself for over a year, she suddenly deteriorated and eventually succumbed. My running is now as important as ever, and will be source of strength and comfort to me in the coming months.
This running blog is to remind me of the little improvements I make and the challenges I rise up to. Hopefully it may inspire others to run, or to set themselves other challenges.
Meanwhile, the story goes on!