Archives for February, 2013

7k at the weekend followed by 5 sunny miles today!

Posted on Feb 27, 2013 under 5 miles, 5-10k, Jogs, Trail Running | No Comment

Beautiful day at the end of February, managed to do 7k at the weekend and today was my first 5 miler in a while, run mostly on beautiful trails, even inspired me to write a poem during the run, which I captured on my return! Nothing like a run through the woods as the world starts to waken!

Twigs twist and crunch underfoot
in this push pull with gravity,
body borrowing oxygen, feet flying,
lungs gulping to the drum of heart
in this world of earth and trees
where sun drifts down to reflect
on a mind as still as winter water.

Legs, lungs, heart say stop, stop,
But mind nods to sun, earth, trees,
this motion, light – this urgent, precious life.

Not ready to cease this hardwon
effortlessness of being.

Not yet.

A slowish 5k in 38 minutes!

Posted on Feb 21, 2013 under 5-10k, 5k, Injuries, Jogs, Slow Runs | No Comment

Really wanted to get out for a run and just get some exercise hormones flowing after quite a stressful and strange week.

Figured I might try 2 or 3k, and at first thought the hamstring was going to pop straight away but it didn’t. Kept the pace very slow, and when I got to 3k, decided to keep going at the same slow pace, and although there as a slight twinge after I’d stopped at traffic lights, it passed and I was able to complete 5k in 38 minutes without the hamstring popping painfully, so it’s a start!

My running is currently a SNAFU!

Posted on Feb 16, 2013 under 3k, Injuries, Jogs, Slow Runs | No Comment

After my last entry, I managed to get back to the Sweatshop Running Community in Hyde and run a full 10k as backmarker, gathering pace at the end (as far as I gather pace these days) and while I was vaguely aware towards the end of the hamstring, it was fine and had no further sensations.

Next day was fine, until suddenly I was walking down the street and it kind of popped again. Rest up for several days, tried to run 2 miles at a very slow 12 minute mile jog, and it was popping horrendously by the end end so I had to give up.

Took about 2 weeks off, during a time that was so stressy I really really needed some exercise, and then went out tonight, ran a very sedate pace, but by the end of 2 miles my left leg was not happy all over again.

Really don’t know what to do, if two weeks total rest from running doesn’t seem to have helped, where do I go from here? No, I can’t afford physios etc. 🙁 What I don’t get is after the initial trauma, it wasn’t long before I was back running, didn’t seem to have any problems, now I’m resting for 2 weeks and can’t get through 2 miles at a very slow pace…

Have tried massaging and stretching in the meantime, doesn’t seem to have helped.