2 Miles – Playing Chicken With The Riot Squad…
Posted on Feb 18, 2011 under 3k, Jogs | No CommentNot run for a while due to extreme business and a 24 hour stomach bug thing – so had to force myself out into what was a chilly but very sunny early afternoon. Set off a bit quick but then settled into a steady pace, aware that my Garmin had gone down to two pips of battery level and sometimes it cuts out shortly after that.
However it did stay alive until the end, although it freaked out near the end. I was going to do 2 miles, and was coming up to 3k, when the display jumped back quite a bit. This tied in with the moment I saw a bit of a commotion ahead. There was a tactical Aid Unit police van outside a house with about a dozen officers in riot gear holding shields, hammers, axes and various other tools. I made a beeline for them, and then realised there was no room on the pavement for both me, and them, and their bags of equipment, and I was running straight towards this 7 foot tall bloke in a crash helmet holding a huge deadly looking mallet thing… At the last moment he stepped out of the way, I acknowledged this with a “Cheers, mate”, and just kept on running in the hope they didn’t mistake me for whatever poor sod they were about to descend upon… 😆
Garmin said I did last km in 7:30 which was obviously wrong so it definitely freaked out… so I just approximated the distance in the end. Felt good to be running again.