On the Comeback Trail – 5k run/walk – 37:36

Posted on Jan 11, 2009 under 5-10k, 5k, Info, Injuries, Jogs, News, Recovery Runs | No Comment

Well it’s been a long time.  Happy New Year to everyone – I hope 2009 is my year for running, although it hasn’t started off too well on a personal level, as my mother is very ill at the moment and has moved to a hospice.  She doesn’t know I’m there a lot of the time.

Fortunately, it seems I have at least managed to start with the running again, I did start it to work off stress after all – but have since got more into the running and and doing races and going for PB’s!

Today was no PB, but just getting out there was almost a miracle – after 3 months off with a stress fracture followed by flu and recurring chest infections – just to be putting on my neat little Asics running shoes felt wonderful!  And I felt good out there, probably just due to the fact I was running again.  I managed 3 slots of 5 minute walk, five minute jog, even put in some bursts of speed, and had another 5 minute walk and jogged until I’d made up the 5k in a time of 37:36.  At least that gives me something to aim for, but need to just build up slowly as cardiovascular wise I felt fine and could have done more, but need to let the bones and muscles develop a little strength and solidity again!

I have already entered two races which will give me something to aim for, the March edition of the Trafford 10k, and the Great Manchester Run 2009, have done both before, so have some course PB’s to demolish, I hope 🙂

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