Doing the Big Race Shuffle
Posted on Aug 23, 2008 under Info, News | No CommentIt had to happen sooner or later! I had two races come up on the same day, and had to make a choice between the two.
I entered the BUPA Great Yorkshire Run shortly after I had completed the Great Manchester Run, as I had such a thirst for the atmosphere and the experience of running with other people; at the time I had no idea there were plenty of smaller accessible races for mere newbies like me – I thought the Great Runs would be my only opportunity, and with the Manchester one only coming round once a year, I would have to travel to get a taste more often than that!
Thank heavens for the smaller races, and sites like Runners World for providing so much information about all the races in one place – I have been spoilt for choice at times!
I was looking forward to the Great Yorkshire Run, but logistics and cost issues finally swayed me to run in my own back yard so I’ve pulled out of Sheffield and opted for the Mizuno Trafford 10k instead – and I hear the course is fast and flast and good for a PB (a sub 50, who knows – I have a bit of a rivalry going with a nice chap from Runners’ Forum to see who can get sub 50 first!). Mind you the last race I did, they said was flat, and it had a few big hills near the end – but of course the earth isn’t flat, as most will acknowledge! 🙂
So instead of Sheffield, it’s Trafford here I come – but I would recommend the Great Runs to anyone who is thinking of entering a run for the first time, you don’t even have to run the whole way, unless you want to!