Archives for Recovery Runs category
Posted on Jun 14, 2009 under 5-10k, 5k, Recovery Runs |
Just a nice easy recovery run, first time out since the Dennis the Menace Race on Wednesday. I have been feeling a bit tired last few days – in fact totally knackered not to put too fine a point on it (lot of stresses and strains like PC blowing up, legal bills and being messed around by people!) and lower legs had been aching a lot, but trotted round 5k at a reasonable pace unfortunately a fly shot right down my throat at one point which wasn’t pleasant! Felt very hot and puffed out by end, my easy recovery runs either seem flying or I struggle a bit but I think I just a bit tired from a busy week with other stuff as well.
Posted on May 22, 2009 under 5k, Easy Runs, Recovery Runs |
My comeback run after the Great Manchester Run. Have been feeling very tired all week and didn’t feel like running at all. Someone said I might have a bit of an iron deficiency so I looked it up and have been taking iron supplements all week.
A few more red blood cells to carry around oxygen seemed to help, as I ran an easy first k and felt better than my last 2 runs, and even put in a speedy couple of k’s relatively speaking (5.00 and 4:54 – faster than I ran at any point in sunday’s race and I felt good), then slowed down as it was after all a recovery run.
Felt much better afterwards and looking forward to finding that kind of form in a race sometime soon
Posted on Apr 16, 2009 under 5k, Easy Runs, Recovery Runs |
First run after the Salford 10k, Mum’s funeral and a mountain of admin to come back to after the Easter weekend.
Felt OK but just took it easy and was quite puffed out and sweating by the end – some hilly bits on this route. Always find it hard to come back after more than 3 days off, but felt OK and will see how next run pans out!
Posted on Mar 18, 2009 under 5-10k, Recovery Runs |
First run after Sunday’s race, took it easy starting off, ran the loop out along Hyde Road and back along Windmill Lane, put on some bursts of speed but not too much and slowed towards the end.
Average pace 5:29
Posted on Jan 11, 2009 under 5-10k, 5k, Info, Injuries, Jogs, News, Recovery Runs |
Well it’s been a long time. Happy New Year to everyone – I hope 2009 is my year for running, although it hasn’t started off too well on a personal level, as my mother is very ill at the moment and has moved to a hospice. She doesn’t know I’m there a lot of the time.
Fortunately, it seems I have at least managed to start with the running again, I did start it to work off stress after all – but have since got more into the running and and doing races and going for PB’s!
Today was no PB, but just getting out there was almost a miracle – after 3 months off with a stress fracture followed by flu and recurring chest infections – just to be putting on my neat little Asics running shoes felt wonderful! And I felt good out there, probably just due to the fact I was running again. I managed 3 slots of 5 minute walk, five minute jog, even put in some bursts of speed, and had another 5 minute walk and jogged until I’d made up the 5k in a time of 37:36. At least that gives me something to aim for, but need to just build up slowly as cardiovascular wise I felt fine and could have done more, but need to let the bones and muscles develop a little strength and solidity again!
I have already entered two races which will give me something to aim for, the March edition of the Trafford 10k, and the Great Manchester Run 2009, have done both before, so have some course PB’s to demolish, I hope 🙂
Posted on Sep 27, 2008 under 5k, Easy Runs, Jogs, Recovery Runs |
I’ve had 8 rest days out of the last 9 days, and the only run out of that was my PB race – so I figured it was high time I got back out on the road before I lost my motivation altogether, as it would be all to easy to sink into lazy habits!
Planned a 5k jog around random streets. It felt a bit cold to start with but soon warmed up and the sun seemed to be beating down. Pace was nothing special but legs were feeling a bit heavy. This was my first run of my “off” season – I have no races planned, and the next 10k (my preferred race distance at the mo) looks like being not until next year. It was a bit strange running without the motivation of an upcoming race and the possibility of a PB – so just made sure I completed 5k, and think I will need another few recovery runs like this back to back just to get back into the swing of things, before I start attempting time trials and hill work and long runs again 🙂
Posted on Sep 16, 2008 under 5k, Easy Runs, Jogs, Recovery Runs |
Just a nice easy/recovery run after last week’s hard miles (total of 23 miles for the week including longest run and hill work). Felt fine with no hangover effects from long run or mileage.
Posted on Sep 09, 2008 under 5k, Easy Runs, Jogs, Recovery Runs |
Easy recovery run after Trafford 10k on Sunday. Found a lap’s worth of streets going down Town Lane and leading back to Stockport Road.
Legs and CVS system still felt fresh – no hangover from racing. Ran a pretty mixed pace run, started off a bit quickly, did a kilo as slow as 5:30 but went quicker for short bursts, slowed down for the last one, completed 5k in 26 23. Felt fine and could easily have gone quicker for longer – but it was an easy recovery run!
Posted on Aug 19, 2008 under 5-10k, 5k, Easy Runs, Recovery Runs, Uncategorized |
Nice little 5k recovery run after Sunday’s race. Full of confidence from my PB, I set off far too fast for a recovery run, running at sub 25 pace, and felt the pinch a little later and slowed down, was breathing hard by the end – shocked that I ran 10k at the weekend at the same average pace! Still didn’t take too much out of me, and felt like the 10k hadn’t taken too much out of the legs etc. Look forward to a bit more intensive training now over the next couple of weeks in preparation for Sheffield, aiming for sub 50!! Or at least sub 52!! 😆
Posted on Jul 30, 2008 under 5-10k, Easy Runs, Recovery Runs |
This was a very sedate and slow run, just to get back into the running after Sunday’s tough race.
I do have a problem with running slowly. OK, compared to an elite, I am very slow anyway – but what I mean is, once I get going, I am always tempted to up the pace, as I don’t feel I’m really doing much unless I’m breathing hard and feeling pain! Yet easy runs are very important (I am still not sure why scientifically – but will save that for a future post) – I think basically, you cannot keep pushing your body, so it likes to tick over in a lower gear for a bit, just as it likes to rest completely sometimes, just as it benefits from some harder punishment now and then 🙂
Anyway, it was very hot and sunny, so I set my Garmin to alert me if I went any faster than 5:40 per kilometre. At first it kept bleeping, but I’ve noticed Garmins can be a bit erratic until you’ve done a few kilometres; in any case, it helped me to go very, very slowly – and every time I absent mindedly started going faster, my Garmin alerted me. When I reached the big steep hill leading to the little suburban place called Haughton Green, I took a leisurely walk up, and felt fresh when I started another slow jog back home, and by the time I finished I’d done 6k in a very sedate 36 mins and 30 seconds. With it being another really hot day, it was nice to do a run that I enjoyed – it reminded me a little of when I used to walk a lot – I felt I could have just jogged like that for miles and miles as if it was merely walking – but I would still have done a 10k in about an hour, which is what some people aim for going flat out.
I think my aim will be to slowly increase my comfort pace – so maybe one day jogging 6k in 30 mins will be just as easy – but I always want to make my easy runs easy now – and setting the Garmin really helped, although I couldn’t resist a speedy burst for about 20 metres near the end, just to stretch the legs and remind myself what it was like to go fast! I might do some more of this in future, combining speedy bursts with a slow jog – now whether that’s interval training, fartlek or speedwork I will have to figure out! 😀