A Regular 5 miler – 47:31
Posted on Jun 10, 2012 under 5 miles, Regular Runs | No CommentHaving had a few more days of quiet meditation with some other stuff thrown in, was enjoying the French Open Final and planning to get a run in afterwards – except it then started to look as if it might either go 4 or 5 sets or start raining, so I decided to risk going for my Sunday run at the end of the 3rd set and take a punt on the next set not being over by the time I got back.
It looked cold out so I put my long sleeve top on (apart from anything else I couldn’t quite put my hands on a short sleeved on so just picked the first thing I found) – turned out to be a bit of a mistake as it soon got quite warm, but bearable. Did the first km pretty slowly, 6:20ish, then found my pace picking up without really trying. Decided to run through Haughton Green estates, so the incline that way was a bit punishing but then could coast down the slopes.
Kept feeling the pace pick up and was going down towards 5:30 in places so eased back on the throttle at times as my only intention was to run sub 50. In the end I smashed that and was only a minute off my season’s best, with a lot of slowing down the pace to complete a week of light, easy running after last week’s high mileage 🙂
And when I got back turned out I had only missed 3 games of the tennis since it was pouring at Roland Garros 🙁 and 🙂