A leisurely 4k run – or approx 2.5 miles!

Posted on Aug 26, 2010 under Easy Runs, Jogs, Milestones, Regular Runs | No Comment

Not a very warm day to say the least so I donned my light tracksuit bottoms and hooded top. Was quite breezy. Planned to run 4k, adding 800m on to my furthest distance so far. Not sure how that works out in terms of the 10% running rule, but I’m not great at arithmetic so I just approximate 🙂

Anyway, off I went and felt good, just keep the pace slightly slower than Sunday’s run as didn’t want to burn out and the idea was to increase the distance and endurance just a little, not go out all guns blazing. So I ran a pretty random route. It was nice to get a bit more into a run – the ones lately have been pretty short, so no sooner have I got myself geared up and going, than it’s time to halt again, and that can play some pretty odd tricks with the old running psychology! But this time, at 2k, I was able to settle into a steady rhythm and keep going for the remainder of the run, and it felt pretty good to do so. Was breathing hard but steady and not wincing with the effort as I was on Sunday, and clocked 24:41 for the 4k, so at least am now running for around 25 minutes at a time and will keep upping the pace and distance very gradually.

No speed work, intervals, or madness like that for me just yet! No races planned, so I can progress at my leisure now, though this is the first season where I have pretty much missed all my favourite races 🙁 And to think I got that PB sub 50 10k right at the beginning. Ah well, let’s see how I come out of the blocks after, fingers crossed, a gentle winter’s build up to great things 🙂

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