A Freezing But Sunny Sub 52 5 Miler

Posted on Feb 03, 2012 under 5 miles, 5-10k, Milestones, Regular Runs | No Comment

4 days since my last odd little run, and seeing as it was a bright day decided to do my first day time run in ages. With race season approaching I need to start getting used to running earlier, and while evening runs in the dark have had their own appeal during the winter, it was good to get out and have the sun in my eyes today!

This run saw me setting off in appropriate running kit, ie jogging pants and hoody top, thermal hat, and shades. It was at least half way and a big hill before I even started sweating it was that cold! Decided it would be nice to run through the woods so set off in that direction, enjoying the contrast between the glorious sunshine and the freezing air. The pavements were thankfully clear of ice but there were lots of water filled ruts and pockmarks in the woods that were filled with frozen solid water showing how cold it was.

Kept a steady pace not pushing too hard as all I really wanted to do was run 5 miles and enjoy it, not really too bothered about a time. At about 5k the massive Stockport Road incline loomed and I took the opportunity to pause for a second to remove my Nike running beanie hat! Then it was up the hill with just a little pause for breath as I crossed – it’s a tough hill that one!

Once the hill was negotiated I kept going, noticing my pace was a little quicker without more effort, which usually happens with hills! I was starting to feel the pinch a little, and so slowed and just concentrated on getting to 7k, so I could decide how to run the last KM. I put in some pace towards the end, nearly collided with a pair of pensioners coming round a corner to a chorus of “Good god he nearly frightened me to death” for which I dutifully apologised, and then it was a stagger to make the last half km.

Stopped my trust Garmin in a time of 51:56, one of my fastest 5 milers since November last year, and since it included the hill I am very pleased with it. Can’t recall a sub 50 five mile run for some time, and of course the heady days of almost running sub 40 are way back in 2010 – maybe 2012 will be the year I get some pace and speed endurance back 😀

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