8 Mile Recovery Run 1hr 18 20s
Posted on Jul 28, 2009 under 10-15k, Recovery Runs | No CommentNice 8 miler at recovery pace, with a few hills which I took easy, in all averaged 6:03/k pace so was spot on at keeping it nice and steady and I managed not to speed up as idea was just to recover from the race on Sunday and get a bit of nice slow time on feet in, felt like a nice aerobic workout not too heavy. Didn’t feel too many after effects from the race and am starting to find running quite comfortable now I’ve got back into it after the little break. Certainly the most comfortable I’ve felt for a while. A few more of these, some intervals, fartlek and a longer run every week and I should start to see more results.
Have not done a one mile trial for a bit so hope to fit one in soon!