7k at the weekend followed by 5 sunny miles today!

Posted on Feb 27, 2013 under 5 miles, 5-10k, Jogs, Trail Running | No Comment

Beautiful day at the end of February, managed to do 7k at the weekend and today was my first 5 miler in a while, run mostly on beautiful trails, even inspired me to write a poem during the run, which I captured on my return! Nothing like a run through the woods as the world starts to waken!

Twigs twist and crunch underfoot
in this push pull with gravity,
body borrowing oxygen, feet flying,
lungs gulping to the drum of heart
in this world of earth and trees
where sun drifts down to reflect
on a mind as still as winter water.

Legs, lungs, heart say stop, stop,
But mind nods to sun, earth, trees,
this motion, light – this urgent, precious life.

Not ready to cease this hardwon
effortlessness of being.

Not yet.

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