7.3km in 47:55, cold icy winds prevailing!
Posted on Jan 28, 2013 under 5-10k, All Weather Running, Regular Runs | No CommentWanted to get a run in, so if possible I can be ready for a SRC run on Weds, work permitting.
Set off a bit quick, and felt bombarded by strong icy winds, saw a colourful chap running at quite apace, and we passed and exchanged greetings twice. Planned a vague route in my head then kept adding bits on, sailed through 5k in just over 32 minutes and felt good, no leg or other issues.
Started to tire a little by the end so veered in the general direction of home, and stopped the watch at 7.3km in 47 mins 55. Felt I ran a little faster while running well within myself, mindful of the hamstring and other problems of late. Need to realise I can’t go from running 6.30 per KM to 5 or less per KM all at once,without my legs telling me they don’t like it sooner or later, no matter how good my lungs and heart might be doing!!