5k Tempo Run – Sub 29 in a season’s best 28:55
Posted on Apr 17, 2012 under 5-10k, 5k, Milestones, Season's Best | 1 CommentHadn’t planned to run today, but something came up for tomorrow so decided on an impromptu 5k. Didn’t really attempt to push the pace, but tried to be slightly brisk, and the 5k mark didn’t seem too far away considering I have been running 5 miles as a matter of course recently.
Felt pretty good at 1k which clicked over in 5:46 then consolidated a bit, and then just maintained pace and felt fine, breathed a little harder than usual in places but at no point had the inclination to gasp too much.
Hardly noticed the time until I got back and checked earlier running blogs and times – realised this was my first sub 29 in ages, something I had aimed for previously and failed at, and now it just came with little effort. Must be some truth in the proverb that things come to those who wait, and by not trying to force the pace and just taking the running easily and naturally, a target was achieved with less effort!
I was pleased to be able to run consistently under 5:50 per km and not to get too puffed, as well as pleased that the calf held up, though I was still wary of lengthening my stride. I guess the next step is to add in an 8 mile run, and on this evidence I am starting to look at sub 55 as a target for the Great Manchester Run!
April 20th, 2012 at 11:21 pm
Great effort, sounds like you had a good run. Good luck for the sub 55 in Manchester.