5k Recovery Run – Bit of a Struggle!
Posted on Jul 14, 2009 under 5-10k, 5k, Recovery Runs | No CommentMy first run back since the City of Manchester 10k, as I have been busy and had a few days break in Wales. Decided to run to the clock rather than a distance, and not have my pace or distance displayed on Garmin. Seemed to work ok, but I forgot to turn off lap alerts so as soon as I knew I’d done the second k in 4:59 without really trying, I felt I was going fast and it suddenly became VERY hard work, then again it could have been that I had just gone off too fast and haven’t run for 8 days, but at least I made it through the door, was tempted to just have a lazy night in! I had also had a beer or two while away so maybe it rusted my legs as I don’t normally touch alcohol!