3 Mile Recovery Run – deliberately slow paced and hurt like hell!

Posted on Aug 14, 2012 under Recovery Runs | No Comment

After yesterday’s exploits with the Hyde SRC crew, I thought I would try a recovery run. Must say I am in awe of those who went on the runs yesterday having done tough races on Sunday. Personally I think I would have put my feet up 🙂

Anyway, I decided to go out and run a very slow 5k, and it hurt like hell. Was ok to start with, but by 3k I was feeling very hot, very heavy legged, and quite miserable! Had to walk in a few spots, even going at the slowest pace I could muster felt like running through treacle into a brick wall. Hung on for 3 miles and virtually melted in a heap!

I think the recovery run is a bit misnamed, as rather than help recovery, one running coach has the theory that recovery runs are more about a complex set of operations between the brain and muscles. By running in a pre-fatigued state from the workout from the day before, the brain and muscles have to find a way to adapt to run more efficiently, and so a recovery run increases the gains from a harder workout.

This run certainly hurt, but knowing I was in a pre-fatigued state makes me feel much better about it, I will now have a couple of recovery days before attempting a long run on Friday.

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